Heating Tip Before Sex

Here it is tipped warm-up before reaching peak

To build passion and chemistry, is very important for you and your partner to improve the intimacy of touching. There are two kinds of touch with the couple, namely:

# 1. Affection / intimacy: closeness adds touches like hugging, cuddling, kissing cheeks / forehead, nose rubbing, touching partner's face.

# 2. Sexual / Arousal: touch, especially during foreplay and lovemaking like kissing lips, licking, and touching the erotic.

For couples who have been in contact for a long time, foreplay touching manner is quite important. Because it often did, they usually 'jump' to the 'main menu' so the main foundation in love, and that is the warmth and affection, it is lost. As a result, sexual desire is extinguished.

However, the habit of doing physical touch is very important to your relationship. Touch can build passion in a relationship, good for couples who are new or long. So, remember to always touch your partner even if you do not intend to have sex. For example, holding her hand while watching in the cinema, embracing arms while walking in the mall, hugging him from behind while cooking breakfast, gently patting his shoulder as he was driving, and quick kisses during a free moment. If you are used to doing this, for long the couple also did not hesitate to apply the opposite to you.

Touch continued with a passionate eye contact will usually lead to a hot sex session. But make it a habit to make foreplay long enough so that intimacy is maintained. If you move slowly, you show in bed is guaranteed to be more exciting. Consider maneuvers that need to be done before you move towards the 'peak':

1 Begin with a warm touch. Touch gently couples. Touch and gently rub his shoulder to get his attention.

2 Leads to the temptation. If he's more interested, you can see couples will feel comfortable with what you are doing. At this point, hold hands him a second or two. Sit closer and give hugs spoiled. If doubt still hesitant to embrace, touch your feet on his feet. Belailah hair. When he was getting carried away, you could hold her longer.

3 Begin with an intimate touch. You can continue to explore her body intimnya- its name to the area to add to the excitement. Some men have sensitive areas such as the neck, nipples, and stomach. Feel free also to ask hands trace your body. Then, when the moment is right, kiss him.

4 Next, it's up to you ... If you and he is getting 'hot', you can proceed to the next session. Especially when your passion and he's already started burning, you both would be difficult to achieve orgasm!

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