Tips for Choosing a Profitable Sideline Business Type

Type a side business that is around us innumerable. We proffered by his many business opportunities because so many so we are confused to choose the type of side business such as what should we choose. Remember !!!
Mistakes in choosing a side business is your initial failures which will lead to a bad end of your sideline.

Most people, choose a side business just based on the lure - lure big profit. When we heard that it is a profitable business online, we enter an online business, only briefly, because it is not the result, we hear again that the forex investment will make us rich, we switched the forex business and so on.

Above events would have been experienced by many beginners, bergonta - changing desires, rather - rather want to find the best actually makes we will not get the best. Suppose you are looking for the best partner, you select - select, already in a relationship, because there is a weakness, you try to find another. And until whenever, you will not get perfect.

Let us read the wise words of my professor, Mario Teguh:
Not much you desire to be intensified, but the magnitude of seriousness in a clear desire.
Focus on achievement of the desire that allows the achievement of many desires.

When you have determined the choice of the business, then the focus. Companies - big companies now have many types of business, initially focusing on one type of business. When it has a strong foundation, and then open the other types of businesses.

So, basically how to choose the best side business for us?
Patience - patience, here I will explain how to choose a good side business for you.

1 What are your strengths? advantage!
Let us get to know ourselves. Try you note yourself, from head to toe. Then, you try to watch you carefully and you feel, what my skills? The most prominent abilities do I have? you try to write on a paper. Are you going to write:

I am an expert in the field of computer
I can speak english
I have confidence
I had the courage
I'm pretty
you try to watch once again, of so many of your ability. Examine, think carefully. Then you try to write business opportunities that may be appropriate for you of your advantages:
Because I am a computer expert, I want to open, cafe, computer services or computer rental
I could also be a computer tutor
can also tutor English and so on.
Now for a moment, do you think really hurt first,

2 What are your weaknesses?
Getting to know yourself is a shortage of excess self to not make mistakes. Just like the first point, you try to create a list of your weaknesses for example:
I am not an expert in speech
I am not smart convey to others clearly and memahamkannya
From the list of your weaknesses, specify the field type of side business that is hard to master.
Being an English teacher, it seems difficult
Possible choice for me based on my strengths and weaknesses are:
computer tutor (as more practical than talking)
computer service
Leave a short list above, go to the third point, namely:
3 How big is his chance?
Learn to analyze market opportunities of your business listing in accordance with the consideration of the advantages and disadvantages you. From the list above, you choose business as a computer tutor and computer services, you try to check the needs of the market, how. Remember patokannnya:
Is it a lot of competition?
What many in need?
The secret is, you try to be "one - only", "First", "Most Different" or "On priority", make your products be one of the four terms above.

4 Analysis of the threat, is very important.
Once you analyze the business opportunity, how much chances of success, you also need to analyze threats or risks that could happen. It may be that the threat is strong competition, yet the number of people who need your business ideas and so on.

Understanding the 4 things above, Advantages, Disadvantages, opportunities and threats are fundamental in determining the type of business the business side as well even in determining a crucial business decisions. In business, 4 things above the call with a SWOT analysis (strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). Swot own a business planning method in analyzing your strengths (strengths), weaknesses (weaknesses), your chances (opportunities), and threats both from within and from outside of yourself (threats) in the determination of the speculation business.

Be careful not to choose a side business that does not comply with the excess or your favorite, do things - things that you know will not spend a lot of energy and time and wasting your money.

do not let you choose the business side of the business that you are not able to because that's where your kelemaahan. You will likely achieve a resounding failure.

Look at how your opportunities, it could be because you have enough opportunity expert, because you have enough opportunities in familiar or market opportunities that are still in dire need of your side business idea. Do not let you choose a business that is not needed by the community or does not time you choose that business.

See also the competitor, the threat - the threat of a threat you are either a competitor or of the laws and customs of the local area.

If you can apply to the four principles above, most likely you will get the right sideline and safe for you. And last but not least is do, do, do, do, do, do.

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