Sources Jenon lush lake to holiday

Sources Jenon baths located in the village of mount ronggo, Tajinan subdistrict , Malang . Access to the location of source Jenon can be a vehicle with two wheels or four , but with the condition of the asphalt began to peel off . To reach that place can usually be taken for 20 minutes from Market Tajinan eastward . Besides its use for bathing , at Ponds Jenon also often used for scouting activities , because it is a package with a tracking path that crosses the summit of Mount Ronggo Jenon and ends at the lake . Unfortunately baths untapped source of this Jenon seriously by the local government . Now these attractions managed by the village to be used as
tourist attractions mount ronggo cheap and quite popular with travelers around . Because besides no entry fee , on a typical day there are no parking attendants on duty . Only on days off just parking fees charged at Rp . 2.000 , - to be able to enter the area Jenon Ponds Nature Baths .

Sources Jenon springs is very clear , with beautiful views of the village , and the bluish green color of the water is the main attraction of this tourist attraction . Not to mention the natural conditions are still very beautiful and natural . The source of water comes from the mountains at the foot of Mount Ronggo . So crystal clear you can see the basic source sufficient in and also the fish that swim in it . Sources Jenon has long existence , previously only used local people for bathing or washing dress. Jenon community is believed to have properties to cure skin diseases . Not infrequently the source Jenon visitors also come from outside the city . Those who just want to picnic there and nothing special to come for treatment . The pool is usually sprinkled with flowers setaman first. After it is used for bathing .

Currently Baths Natural Resources Jenon also been equipped with supporting facilities such as cafes , rinse and change clothes room , prayer room , rental floats , and also some street vendors . Cafe facilities are located in the area of the lake Jenon also be an attraction , because of its convenient location in addition to the presentation of Lesbian facing hills , is also equipped with karaoke facilities and families are invited menus appetite after swimming tired .

Sources Jenon very crowded during the school holidays . Jenon source itself has a shape like a pond . In it there is a neat brick foundation . Depth of about four meters resources . The foundation was deliberately made to maintain the security of visitors . In the area there is a source Jenon jenu trees stretching from the west towards the east . Not far from there is the source of the banyan trees that fell in 1971 . In addition , there are also fish sengkaring hundreds of years old . This plain black fish tail numbered 37 , with a size of 50 cm to 170 cm for the puppies and the mother . It is said that the unique number of fish sengkaring never changed despite repeatedly provoked . According to the local people in the tunnel can also find this resource that until now no one has studied about its existence . He said the tunnel led to the sea in the south .

It is said that beginning Jenon source name originated from Rantung Wiragati with his wife , Irogat , which comes from Mataram . They fled to this area after the war in Mataram . In the second place then survive. Both were later fished the abundant agricultural produce . When the dry season arrives , their crops are not getting enough irrigation . Finally, all the plants die . Meanwhile , food supplies had been reduced . Finally Rantung Wiragati goodbye to his wife to look for water . And bertapalah Rantung Wiragati on Mount Tiger under Cluster Tree Jenu ( ancient tree ) . In the hermitage of a sudden the wind blew hard . Toot it then uprooting trees ledokan jenu into the ground . The tree chunk issued a water source that is so heavy that ledokan flooded soil . It is said that the Jenu tree trunk turned into a dragon that can bleed when pricked . After the incident that is the source of the source of named Jenon .

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